July 2024 Fellows' update: Nicole Devlin

July 2024 Fellows' update: Nicole Devlin

Left to right: Mark Parker, Pilot Lead and Head of PE; Banbridge High School students; and Nicole Devlin. Download 'Nicole Devlin pilot, Banbridge High School'

Nicole Devlin (CF 2023) has successfully piloted the Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM) programme at Banbridge High School in Northern Ireland, following her research into the programme during her Churchill Fellowship to the USA. This pilot marks the programme's introduction to Northern Irish schools.

The impact of the pilot is captured in a 10-minute video featuring Banbridge High School staff and Year 9 to Year 12 pupils. Pilot Lead for Banbridge High School, Mark Parker, explained, "Many of our students aren't having these conversations within their own home environment - particularly around some of the sensitive areas to do with sexualised language and consent."

Nicole urges the Northern Ireland Executive and policymakers to consider investing in the programme.

The pilot study video can be watched here.


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