Amelia Dearman

Fellow’s Profile

Amelia Dearman

Fellow’s Profile

Amelia Dearman

How to better prepare the UK for increasing extreme heat




How to better prepare the UK for extreme heat.


Fellowship year






The climate crisis is causing more frequent and intense heatwaves. In summer 2022, the UK experienced record high temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius, sadly resulting in 3,000 excess deaths. Through my Fellowship, I want to secure long-term action on this growing public health issue.

My research will learn from cities who are better preparing for extreme heat, with New York City as a case study. New York is prioritising action on heat through the Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice, and it has become an international centre for climate advocacy, coupled with community-led action driving change. I will explore the solutions being implemented and how this change came about, so that the UK can better prepare for future heatwaves.

I'm a senior government relations adviser at Wellcome, a global charitable foundation that aims to improve human health. I work on climate and health advocacy, including at events like the COP conference. While collective global action at these events is important, I'm looking forward to taking a deep dive into the issue of extreme heat and exploring the tangible steps the UK can take to tackle this critical aspect of climate change.



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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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