Fellow's Report guidance

Fellow's Report guidance


Your Fellow's Report is a valuable resource to support you in making change. It is your manifesto of ideas and evidence, aiming to spread awareness and build consensus around the changes you want to see happen.

In addition to the report guidance, we have 5 top tips to help you distil your learning after your travel experience.

Full report guidance can be downloaded here.

5 Top Tips for Distilling Your Learning

  1. Take a breather: After an intense travel period, it's crucial to take a step back and give yourself time to process and reflect on your experiences. Resist the urge to dive straight into creating your report; instead, give yourself space to distil the most significant learnings and insights.
  2. Authenticity matters: Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to sharing your learnings. Your report or dissemination method should be authentic to you and tailored to your audience. Don't feel constrained by traditional formats; explore creative ways to communicate your experiences effectively.
  3. Written reports are optional: While a written report can be a valuable tool, it's not a mandatory requirement. Feel free to explore alternative dissemination methods, such as presentations, workshop materials, or multimedia projects, that may better suit your style and the nature of your learnings.
  4. Seek support: If you're feeling unsure about how to best distil or disseminate your learnings, don't hesitate to reach out to our Research & Engagement Manager Claire. They can serve as a sounding board, offering guidance and suggestions to help you find the most effective approach.
  5. Keep it concise: If you decide to write a report, aim for a maximum of 30 pages. This length encourages you to focus on the most essential insights and present them in a clear, concise manner, making your report more engaging and accessible to your audience.

Remember, the goal is to share your learnings in a way that resonates with your audience and inspires further exploration or action. Embrace the process, and don't hesitate to seek support when needed.

5 Top Tips for Distilling Your Learning

  1. Take a breather: After an intense travel period, it's crucial to take a step back and give yourself time to process and reflect on your experiences. Resist the urge to dive straight into creating your report; instead, give yourself space to distil the most significant learnings and insights.
  2. Authenticity matters: Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to sharing your learnings. Your report or dissemination method should be authentic to you and tailored to your audience. Don't feel constrained by traditional formats; explore creative ways to communicate your experiences effectively.
  3. Written reports are optional: While a written report can be a valuable tool, it's not a mandatory requirement. Feel free to explore alternative dissemination methods, such as presentations, workshop materials, or multimedia projects, that may better suit your style and the nature of your learnings.
  4. Seek support: If you're feeling unsure about how to best distil or disseminate your learnings, don't hesitate to reach out to our Research & Engagement Manager Claire. They can serve as a sounding board, offering guidance and suggestions to help you find the most effective approach.
  5. Keep it concise: If you decide to write a report, aim for a maximum of 30 pages. This length encourages you to focus on the most essential insights and present them in a clear, concise manner, making your report more engaging and accessible to your audience.

Remember, the goal is to share your learnings in a way that resonates with your audience and inspires further exploration or action. Embrace the process, and don't hesitate to seek support when needed.

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