Calvin Moorley

Fellow’s Profile

Calvin Moorley

Fellow’s Profile

Calvin Moorley

Nursing Whilst Black: Learning to Support Black Nurses




Exploring frameworks to combat racism in nursing and decolonize the nursing curriculum effectively


Fellowship year





I am a Professor of Diversity and Social Justice and my Fellowship centres around combating racism in nursing and decolonising the nursing curriculum. These critical topics intersect with healthcare equity, diversity and social justice. The purpose of my Fellowship is to explore effective frameworks, strategies and best practices that can dismantle systemic racism within healthcare systems. By doing so, we aim to create an inclusive and culturally competent nursing education environment.

My passion for this topic stems from experiencing and witnessing disparities at first hand. I've seen how bias affects patient care and perpetuates inequities. Additionally, my experiences as a nurse have highlighted the urgent need for change. Through my Fellowship, I hope to revise nursing curricula to include diverse perspectives and histories, to collaborate with educators, students and community members to foster dialogue and awareness, and to implement anti-racist practices within healthcare institutions.

Ultimately, I aspire to contribute to a more just and equitable nursing profession by setting up the first UK centre for Black nurse education and support.


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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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