Inclusive wellbeing for disabled people
By Emily Hyland, 5 December 2024
Fellow’s Profile
Fellow’s Profile
Inclusive Wellbeing for Disabled People
Fostering inclusive wellbeing for disabled people
South East
I am an advocate for wellbeing and inclusion, dedicated to promoting health and fostering inclusivity. I am thrilled to embark on my Fellowship journey, undertaking learning in Australia and New Zealand with the aim of contributing to the advancement of inclusive wellbeing practices for disabled people in the UK. Drawing upon my knowledge and passion for wellbeing and inclusion, I aim to deepen my understanding of innovative approaches and best practices in these countries.
I am excited to share the valuable lessons and learning from my research abroad with my colleagues, organisations and communities, ensuring that disabled individuals have access to the support, resources and opportunities they need to thrive.
I am deeply committed to making a positive difference and this Fellowship provides an incredible platform for me to further my expertise, broaden my horizons and ultimately drive change that I hope will positively impact the wellbeing of disabled individuals in the UK.
By Emily Hyland, 5 December 2024
In a UK study, 61% of disabled people were found to be chronically lonely, with loneliness amongst young disabled people reaching almost 70%. As Emily Hyland explains, behind these figures are real people experiencing consequences which extend far beyond just a feeling of loneliness.
By Emily Hyland, 21 March 2025
All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.
By Emily Hyland, 5 December 2024
In a UK study, 61% of disabled people were found to be chronically lonely, with loneliness amongst young disabled people reaching almost 70%. As Emily Hyland explains, behind these figures are real people experiencing consequences which extend far beyond just a feeling of loneliness.
By Emily Hyland, 21 March 2025
All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.