Reducing the harms of Lyme disease in Scotland's Western Isles
By Isabell MacInnes, 4 August 2021
Fellow’s Profile
Fellow’s Profile
Reducing the harms of Lyme disease in Scotland's Western Isles
Preventing Lyme disease by raising public awareness and engaging agency support
I am a health protection and screening nurse specialist.
In 2015 I investigated the increasing levels of Lyme disease being reported in South Uist. The investigation identified a high incidence, and I presented the preliminary findings at a conference in Edinburgh in 2016. The conference presentation generated interest from universities wishing to undertake studies in the Western Isles.
When I applied for the Churchill Fellowship in 2018 I was on the second year of an MSc in Infection Prevention and Control. In August 2018 I completed my Fellowship What is the Impact of Lyme Disease on a Patient's Quality of Life in the Western Isles of Scotland? I presented the study findings at a conference in Liverpool in November 2019. I am co-author on a paper published in February 2021 in the Emerging Infectious Disease journal. The paper, titled Emergence of Lyme Disease on Treeless Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom discusses the findings of the research being undertaken in the Western Isles.
The Fellowship expanded my knowledge and understanding of the issues surrounding ticks and Lyme disease, from field work to patient care. I take every opportunity to share my learning.
By Isabell MacInnes, 4 August 2021
By Isabell MacInnes, 20 September 2023
Health Protection and Screening Nurse Specialist, Isabell MacInnes (CF 2018) has just had an article published in the Nursing Times on the impact of Lyme Disease. For her Fellowship project to raise prevent Lyme disease by raising public awareness and engaging agency support, Isabell travelled to USA, Canada and France to meet with experts in the field of ticks and Lyme disease.
By Isabell MacInnes, 31 March 2023
All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.
By Isabell MacInnes, 4 August 2021
By Isabell MacInnes, 20 September 2023
Health Protection and Screening Nurse Specialist, Isabell MacInnes (CF 2018) has just had an article published in the Nursing Times on the impact of Lyme Disease. For her Fellowship project to raise prevent Lyme disease by raising public awareness and engaging agency support, Isabell travelled to USA, Canada and France to meet with experts in the field of ticks and Lyme disease.
By Isabell MacInnes, 31 March 2023
All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.