Engaging children in physical activity: Kelly Mackintosh
By Kelly Mackintosh, 4 August 2021
Fellow’s Profile
Fellow’s Profile
Measuring and visualising children's physical activity levels
Supporting children's physical activity through improved analysis and cross-disciplinary collaboration
I am a professor in the Applied Sports, Technology, Exercise and Medicine (A-STEM) research centre at Swansea University, where I lead the Exercise, Medicine and Health Research Group. My current research focuses on the use of novel approaches to both measure and promote physical activity across the lifespan and disease status, with over 90 internationally peer-reviewed scientific papers in this area. Most recently, I have been instrumental in the establishment of the Welsh Institute of Physical Activity Health and Sport (WIPAHS), which is a partnership with Sport Wales and all higher-education institutes across Wales, bringing together academia, those facilitating physical activity, policy makers and the public, to address fundamental questions surrounding the nation's health and wellbeing. I was on the Chief Medical Officer's (CMO's) expert working group for updating the Children and Young People's UK Physical Activity Guidelines in 2019 and am currently on the CMO's expert committee for surveillance.
By Kelly Mackintosh, 4 August 2021
All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.
By Kelly Mackintosh, 4 August 2021
All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.