Kevin Davidson

Fellow’s Profile

Kevin Davidson

Fellow’s Profile

Kevin Davidson

Supporting young people with Eco-anxiety through Higher Education




Adapting higher education to support students living through the climate and ecological crisis.


Fellowship year



South East


I am a Lecturer in Educational Studies at Goldsmiths College and consultant for Climate Museum UK. My Fellowship looks at how universities are adapting their learning environments in response to the climate and ecological crisis.

Many of my students have worries about the health of the living planet alongside cost-of-living challenges and uncertainty about how we will collectively build a sustainable future for all. How can universities best support the wellbeing of students and prepare them to flourish throughout their lives? I am particularly interested in students' views on different approaches which are being taken, including mandatory and accredited optional programmes of study, subject-specific and trans-disciplinary models, academic and community-based methods.

As well as implementing change within Goldsmiths College, I hope to share my findings throughout a network of UK universities who are working on this challenge. I hope that my Fellowship will contribute towards a reimagining of university education which places the health of the planet at the centre, where older generations provide responsible long-term leadership while empowering younger generations.


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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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