Lorraine George

Fellow’s Profile

Lorraine George

Fellow’s Profile

Lorraine George

Starting young: lifelong lessons from intergenerational care and learning




Co-locating care for young children and older people for positive intergenerational outcomes


Fellowship year


Supported by


South West


I am a childcare development worker for Torbay's local authority and I lead on the early years intergenerational programme.

My Fellowship focused on intergenerational co-location in the USA (early years classrooms and childcare based in residential care homes) and enabled me to explore the benefits that come from intergenerational learning. As we had developed an intergenerational visitation programme within Torbay, I wanted to see what difference it made to the participants if the engagements happened daily rather than weekly, exploring how intergenerational relationships improved children's confidence and self-esteem and impacted upon their ability to learn.

Since my Fellowship I have set up the first co-located programme with childminders working from a care home – this received a national award. I have also published an intergenerational activities book and become an intergenerational tutor, trainer and speaker.

Many Torbay settings and care homes have now developed an element of intergenerational practice and, as a consequence, the community has a better understanding of the benefits that come from bringing the young and the old together.


Photograph of Lorraine George and Kay Jodrell

February 2021 Fellows' update: Lorraine George and Kay Jodrell

An intergenerational programme set up by Lorraine George (CF 2017) and Kay Jodrell (CF 2019) received the 2020 Best Inclusive Practice Nursery World Award on 15 February. The programme engages childminders and children with residents at a care home in Torquay and is the first of its kind in the UK.

By Lorraine George, 28 February 2021


All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.


Photograph of Lorraine George and Kay Jodrell

February 2021 Fellows' update: Lorraine George and Kay Jodrell

An intergenerational programme set up by Lorraine George (CF 2017) and Kay Jodrell (CF 2019) received the 2020 Best Inclusive Practice Nursery World Award on 15 February. The programme engages childminders and children with residents at a care home in Torquay and is the first of its kind in the UK.

By Lorraine George, 28 February 2021


All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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