Philip Avery

Fellow’s Profile

Philip Avery

Fellow’s Profile

Philip Avery

Developing globally competitive students through challenge-based learning and STEM




Fellowship year


Supported by


South East



I am Director of Education for Bohunt Education Trust, a multi-academy trust of seven secondary schools, one all-through school and approximately 11,000 students.

My Fellowship looked at how science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) was taught and promoted in schools in the USA, the Netherlands and Sweden. It enquired into the purpose, pedagogy and impact of high-quality STEM education, not only for students, but also the institutions, community and local economy. It included looking at project-based learning, corporations sponsoring schools, maker spaces and more. This was a fascinating project as it blended innovative pedagogy, the motivation of learners, real-world work and links to the community.

The Fellowship led me to work on STEM education in the UK, including researching with the University of Winchester the use of the engineering habits of mind, developing a STEM curriculum and lobbying for long-term partnerships between schools and industries.

Taking the learnings from the STEM project, I am working on wider systemic change with regards to curriculum and assessment that would create more space in the curriculum for things like STEM and the outdoors.


Photograph of Phil Avery

October 2021 Fellows' update: Phil Avery

Associate headteacher Phil Avery (CF 2014) presented at The Conservative Party Conference on 4 October as part of an event organised by The Edge Foundation. Phil discussed the need to rethink pupil assessment in order to improve student wellbeing and learning.

By Philip Avery, 31 October 2021

Photograph of Phil Avery

September 2020 Fellow's update: Phil Avery

Associate headteacher Phil Avery (CF 2014) has been helping to lead UK research project on the impact of the lockdown on education. The report was published by the social enterprise ImpactEd on 14 September, and Phillip has also written a blog on the findings for Rethinking Assessment.

By Philip Avery, 30 September 2020


All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.


Photograph of Phil Avery

October 2021 Fellows' update: Phil Avery

Associate headteacher Phil Avery (CF 2014) presented at The Conservative Party Conference on 4 October as part of an event organised by The Edge Foundation. Phil discussed the need to rethink pupil assessment in order to improve student wellbeing and learning.

By Philip Avery, 31 October 2021

Photograph of Phil Avery

September 2020 Fellow's update: Phil Avery

Associate headteacher Phil Avery (CF 2014) has been helping to lead UK research project on the impact of the lockdown on education. The report was published by the social enterprise ImpactEd on 14 September, and Phillip has also written a blog on the findings for Rethinking Assessment.

By Philip Avery, 30 September 2020


All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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