Shweta Gidwani

Fellow’s Profile

Shweta Gidwani

Fellow’s Profile

Shweta Gidwani

Positive medicine: wellbeing research, support and training for NHS doctors




Embedding psychological resilience, training and mentorship throughout doctors' careers


Fellowship year






I am a practising emergency medicine consultant at a leading teaching hospital in central London. I have been working in the NHS for many years.

My Fellowship is focused on doctors' wellbeing and physician burnout, particularly in the field of emergency medicine. There has probably never been a more poignant time to explore the challenges and explore solutions to tackle this issue. I visited several hospitals in Australia to meet staff, managers, clinicians and researchers who were exploring this issue in great detail and finding innovative solutions. Soon after my return to the UK, I paused my Fellowship as my clinical commitments took priority.

The Covid-19 pandemic has served to highlight several issues around doctors' wellbeing and burnout, bringing these into sharp focus. I have continued working with my hospital and the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) in the UK to tackle these issues. I have convened a series of study days supported by the RCEM called Burnout to Brilliance, which have been very well received.



Photograph of Shweta Gidwani

February 2021 Fellow's update: Shweta Gidwani

Emergency consultant Shweta Gidwani (CF 2018) spoke at an online event hosted by The Royal College of Emergency Medicine on 11 February. The event explored solutions for healthcare staff retention and Shweta shared learnings from her Fellowship, which researched wellbeing support for doctors.

By Shweta Gidwani, 28 February 2021


All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.



Photograph of Shweta Gidwani

February 2021 Fellow's update: Shweta Gidwani

Emergency consultant Shweta Gidwani (CF 2018) spoke at an online event hosted by The Royal College of Emergency Medicine on 11 February. The event explored solutions for healthcare staff retention and Shweta shared learnings from her Fellowship, which researched wellbeing support for doctors.

By Shweta Gidwani, 28 February 2021


All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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